Paper Mache Eggs

paint paper mache spring Easter eggs

Painted & Textured Paper Mache

Spring / Easter Eggs

Watch the video to see the complete process

Happy Spring-Easter Eggs

Easy! Stunning Easter eggs created with paper mache eggs, texture, paint and varnish. Add glitter and sparkle - customize as you wish!

Free Video Tutorial

IMPORTANT: I created a video for this project. It is on my youtube art channel. Please watch the video for full instructions and demonstration. The video follows my written instructions.

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Also see:
Notes From The Workroom & Trails
Home Decor Crafts
Home Improvement


This project uses Gesso. This provides an undercoat for painting. I coat many different types of surfaces with gesso before painting. Visit my Amazon store page to purchase acrylic paints, gesso, and other items I use for my projects.


supplies for paper mache Easter eggs painting

Permanent Patch 102 (purchase at home repair store such as Home Depot) - for texture

paper mache eggs (any size you wish)

acrylic paints (I use Grumbacher or Golden - any good quality artist or craft paint will work well)
choose colors you like: I used various shades of blue, aqua, lavender, pink, plus metallic silver and gold - refer to my video for a full listing of what I used.

Liquitex Gesso

paint brushes in various sizes: I used a number 10 flat brush, and a smaller brush

egg carton (for holding eggs while they dry)

Liquitex Gloss Medium And Varnish OR Gamvar Varnish (or varnish of your choice)

cup of water, paper towel


1. Paint gesso over all surfaces. This will seal the paper mache so paint will not absorb into it. Wash your brush with water. Paint one end, then place in the egg holder until it dries; then turn the egg over and paint the other end.

2. Using the larger paint brush, apply Permanent Patch 102 (texture) to the eggs that you want textured.

Use a palette knife, or a paint brush, to apply the texture.

Texture is optional. I textured two, and left the others plain. Refer to the video for demonstration.

painted textured paper mache Easter eggs

3. When the texture is dry, use the paint brushes to paint on the colors of your choice. I painted on a base coat of various colors, blended together. Some eggs were painted with metallic paint mixed directly with the main color. Other eggs were painted with a base coat of mixed colors, then an added layer of metallic paint mixed with glazing medium was painted on. Refer to the video for demonstration.

4. Add any extra design you wish. Stickers, stenciled design, or speckles create added color. I demonstrate how to tap the paint brush to "splatter" the paint onto the egg, created speckles of color, in my video.

textured painted paper mache egg

I placed pots of artificial grass into a flower box, and then placed the eggs in the grass. It makes a fun, decorative piece.

Paper Mache Easter Egg Video

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